Monday, 1 February 2016

Double Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Banana Cakes

For those times when you absolutely need cake and you need it pretty sharpish.

Forget mug cakes because unless you have an absolutely huge mug, they just won't cut the mustard. Instead you need a blender cake. Throw in a little of what you have in the cupboard, quickly blitz in a blender and bake for 10 minutes. Utterly simple and super speedy.

My favourite combination is banana, peanut butter and double chocolate. But you could substitute the peanut butter for Nutella, Speculoos or any other biscuit spread. Swap the cocoa and white chocolate for whatever chocolate you like and some malt milk powder like Horlicks.

I can't proclaim that these are guilt free, but they are flourless, free of processed sugars and can also be dairy free.

D O U B L E   C H O C O L A T E   P E A N U T   B U T T E R   &   B A N A N A   C A K E S
(Makes 8-10 muffins or mini loaves)

1 medium/large ripe banana, peeled
150g peanut butter, Nutella or biscuit spread of your choice
40g cocoa powder, malt milk powder or custard powder
170g honey (approx. 3tbsp)
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of salt
50g white, dark or milk chocolate, chopped
  1. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Fill a muffin tray with cases or grease a silicone one.
  2. Throw all ingredients except the chocolate into a blender and blitz until smooth, about 60 seconds.
  3. Divide evenly between the muffin cases, about two thirds full and scatter over the white chocolate chunks.
  4. Bake for 8-12 minutes. Nearer 8 minutes for a small banana and up to 12 for a larger banana. Keep your eyes peeled!
Muffins improve with moist banana goodness over a few days but they can also be frozen for up to 6 months. You can always defrost in the microwave in emergencies...your future self will thank you!

I'm looking to test out some banana alternatives now, like cooked apple, sweet potato or pumpkin!


  1. I'm a little stunned mullet by how easy peasy these are to make, yet they look incredibly fancy! I shall have to try this soon... though I'm not a banana cake lover, I feel the boyfriend might love these!!!

    1. Thanks Connie! If I do get round to making them with apples or sweet potato instead of banana I'll let you know how they turn out :) x

  2. I'm looking at these like, but what replaces the flour? They look amazing. Banana brownies in essence.

    1. No flour at all, and no extra sugar so basically you can eat them all to yourself!

  3. This recipe looks amazing - definitely bookmarking it! x

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog

  4. Are you kidding me with these

    1. Make them make them make them! You won't be sorry....

  5. Your future happy would be happy!

  6. Oh my goodness these sound absolutely amazing! I'm just sorry I don't have chocolate at home as I have all other ingredients and would happily have attempted these tonight!

  7. I keep coming back to this post. Like daily. I just need to man up and make them...except I don't have a blender. Lend me yours?

  8. These sound absolutely amazing. I am now trying to remember if there is honey in the cupboard at home so I can make these tonight. I NEED THEM!


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